How UPES propelled me to become an innovator

Best Rural Innovator Award by National Institute of Rural Development, Runner-Up at the World Robotics Championship, Winner at the Indian Drone Festival 2019 are some of the achievements under my belt
Ever since I joined UPES, I was active in both academic and extracurricular activities. Academically, I was intrigued by topics such as Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence(AI), Internet of Things(IoT), App Development, Data Mining, Software Testing Methodologies and different Programming Languages such as Mat-Lab, Solid Works, Ross and CAD. These topics developed a keen interest in me, and I wanted to apply my theoretical knowledge to some of the ideas that helped me conceptualize, design, and develop solutions and prototypes related to robotics and automation projects.
I have always believed in sharing and exchanging knowledge. Hence, I participated in several events to showcase my projects and learn from other participants. Eventually, I started conducting some technical workshops on IoT and Robotics at several renowned national universities and international schools across India. I chose the path of innovation and started leveraging technology that I was well-versed with.
Among my notable achievements have been the award for Best Rural Innovator bestowed by the National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), India, for inventing a Sorting Machine which has applications in food processing. My innovations were showcased at the Rural Innovators Start-up Conclave- and were published by NIRD, in their two books in the year 2018 and 2019, respectively. I was Runner-Up at the World Robotics Championship innovation contest, conducted by the All India Council for Robotics and Automation (AICRA). I was also the winner of the Indian Drone Festival 2019 conducted by ITDA and sponsored by the Uttarakhand government.

I wanted to apply my theoretical knowledge to some of the ideas that helped me conceptualize, design, and develop solutions and prototypes related to robotics and automation projects
In my journey, I met some of the brightest minds in UPES and the interactions and experiences with them inspired me to work on my skillset, particularly in the areas of software programming in Robotics and Automation and advanced data processing in artificial intelligence. As I attended several workshops on Research and Development, Entrepreneurship, IPR and Product Development, I have the aptitude and ability to pursue research projects in collaboration with other students.
During my postgraduation, I was appointed as the head of the Robotic Club, where I guided my juniors and other students on their research projects and conducted technical seminars every week. Moreover, with the guidance of the knowledgeable professors in UPES, I have learnt a lot and won accolades for the university.
UPES offers an exhilarating environment that gives students a platform to explore their interests and gives a definite direction to their goals. Without a doubt, UPES transforms lives. Keeping up with the rapid advancements in technology requires a high degree of learning ability. And for the same, it is critical to study in an educational institution that can provide the necessary knowledge, prepare one to be adaptable to continuous change and ensure one’s expertise and skillset remain relevant.
I am thankful I got a chance to study in UPES which made me confident, gave immense exposure, and most importantly, enhanced my overall personality.
(The writer is a postgraduate student of Automation and Robotics Engineering)
Congratulations Mr. Manoj Kumar, Keep it up.
Congratulations Manoj..We are proud of you Brother
Congratulations Manoj Bro.