Here’s how the research and innovation culture is thriving at UPES

From testing the feasibility of research ideas by granting SEED and SODH funding to creating an open, nurturing environment for discussions, the university is leading by example in establishing a research ecosystem
Researchers across the world are finding solutions to problems and filling cracks in knowledge. Ever since ‘Philosophical Transactions,’ the world’s first science journal, was published in 1665, the field of research has evolved exponentially.
Higher educational institutions, too, are playing a major role in building new knowledge, bringing theories to life through research. At UPES, the foundation of higher learning is based on critical thinking and innovation. In the quest to facilitate a creative and collaborative research ecosystem, the university has taken several measures:
1. Assistance for Research Promotion
UPES supports capacity building in research learning with focused programs such as:
- ‘Learning with Leaders’
- Awareness of Academic Integrity
- Workshops on (i) Research Methodology (ii) Research Paper & Project Writing (iii) Literature Search (iv) IPR and Innovation (v) Ethics (vi) Training on Instrument
2. Financial Support:
UPES provides SEED funding to test the feasibility of research ideas. SEED is an in-house financial support available for consumables, mini equipment, travel grant, fees for characterisation, software purchase, and other operational expenses.
The initiative intends to support the growth of researchers by providing them flexible working capital and to leverage these limited funds to generate substantial external funding, industrial support, or creative scholarship projects.
As an outcome of the SEED and SODH schemes of UPES, from 2014 till date there have been 3 govt-funded projects, 18 proposals have been submitted for external funding, 204 SCOPUS/SCI publications, 32 patents have been published, and over 30 mini and major equipment have been procured.
So far, support of INR 306 lakhs has been provided to faculty and INR 114 lakhs to students, which is increasing every year. The research promoting environment is further nurtured by flexible working hours, award/reward schemes, and support for organising, and participation in national/international conferences/workshops/seminars as well as lectures by subject matter experts.
UPES is committed to instilling research fervour in all the students. Under SHODH support for students of different streams, UPES has started Research and Innovation for Science and Engineering (RISE); Research and Innovation for Students of Computer Science (RISCS); Research and Innovation for Students of Business (RISB); Research and Innovation for Students of Law (RISL); Research and Innovation for Students of Design (RISD); Research and Innovation for Students of Modern Media (RISMM) and Research and Innovation for Students of Health Sciences (RISHS).
SHODH support for students at UPES was started with the prime objective of inculcating a culture of innovation-driven entrepreneurship through student projects and encourage students to be innovators and entrepreneurs. Student projects that respond positively to the emerging local and global challenges and opportunities relating to the need for developing sustainable product/technology are encouraged. SHODH aims at adopting the ‘students as innovators’ approach and has a particular focus on the completion of the research cycle for students through supporting research dissemination. This initiative provides a testing ground for students to test their research, develop new technology or design products that would lead to technology or product development, research papers, patents and/or start-ups that can be taken up by the UPES Centre for Innovation and Incubation to help the student become an entrepreneur.
3. Infrastructural Support
UPES has a dedicated research laboratory called the Central Instrumentation Centre (CIC), which houses machines such as X-ray Diffractometer (Bruker Germany), Drop Shape Analyzer, (Kruss, Germany), Photoluminescence Spectrophotometer, (LAMBDA 45, Perkin Elmer), Spectro Photo Meter UV-Vis, (LAMDA 35, Perkin Elmer), ICP-OES (Plasma Quant 9000- Analytikjena), and an Atomic Force Microscope (NANOSURF AG) to name a few.
The university also provides access to a number of research databases such as Science Direct, SCOPUS, Web of Knowledge,IEEE, RSC, Thomson Reuters, Harvard Business Review, Emerald InsightandTaylor & Francis. Additionally, researchers are provideddedicated research space, assistance through Junior Research Fellowships (JRF), finance, legal cells and manpower support.
4. Patented Technologies
Over 144 patents have been published, including a Vehicle Transmission System, Arrangement for Length Adjustable Dual-Type Free-Piston Engine, an Internet of Things (IoT)-based Alert Generation System for Mining, and a Fuel Injection System for Compression Ignition Engines of Stationary Applications, particularly for a diesel engine.
Further, two patents have been granted and more than 20 designs have been registered. Designs include a concentrated tetrahedron photovoltaic system, wireless power distribution area network, and an indoor aquaculture system using micro nanobubbles.
5. Research for Society at UPES
UPES is sensitive to the fact that it is the largest stakeholder in the ecosystem encompassed within a 20 kilometres radius of its campus. The university realises its responsibilities in contributing to rural society in this region and has started several initiatives to create sustainable societal impacts.
UPES firmly believes that education and women empowerment are the two most powerful tools to transform society (especially in rural settings) in India. Hence, the university involves its students, faculty, and staff to contribute voluntarily to the programs.
The projects accomplished in this domain are:
- Powering fused fluorescent bulbs for rural electrification
The main aim of this project is to create a wireless power distribution area network to power the lights in households without any direct contact between light and power source. This system gives a way to have a portable glowing CFL (fused)/LED as well.
- Women Technology Park
This initiative aims to empower women from rural areas through three components: Recycling of Waste Paper, Identification and Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (MAP) species and Art and Craft designing.
- Smart Irrigation System
As an outcome of this project, a farmer can ensure maximum productivity. The project enables IoT-based remote monitoring through Android App, real-time data on soil moisture content, along with pH determination for optimal crop growth.
Research and innovation on COVID-19
UPES carried out timely research from different perspectives to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The achievements include:
- Patents Published: 39, Design Registration: 5, COVID Technology: 15
- Publications: 31, Student Projects 21, Webinars: 62
- DST projects: 2, Amount: 62 lacs, Special COVID-19 SEED Projects: 12
- 3D-printed device and N-95 masks having antiviral nano-coating of mixed metal oxide impregnated in the polylactic acid membrane: DST 30 lakhs. Applicability: The use of PLA membrane and the nanometal oxide coating will improve the viral separation ability and virucidal activity of the N-95 mask.
- An innovative idea for sterilisation of public places using ozone micro nanobubbles (mnbs). Applicability: This model can be used at the household level and for public places such as hospitals, transport system etc.
Research Progress and Trends (Jan 1, 2014 till Feb 28, 2021)
- Scopus publication: 2302
- WOS publication: 1487
- Research citations: 11000+
- H Index (Scopus): 40
- H Index (WOS): 35
- Patents: 144
- External funded projects: 46 worth INR 12 crores