UPES partners with healthcare providers to make treatment affordable, while also making sure employees take paid time off to take care not only of themselves, but their families too The second wave of the...
Tagged: covid 19
To commemorate the World Science Day for Peace and Development, we highlight the contributions made by the UPES community in the fight against Coronavirus – from Multi-Patient Ventilator to COVID Fabric Helmet As...
UPES is equipped to offer our students, employees and the entire university community a safe learning and working environment by aligning our safety protocols with those recommended by governments and our public health authorities...
Quality mentoring greatly enhances a student’s chances of success by providing the desired support, guidance and nurturing Mentoring is a powerful tool, which can help students develop their personality. It is the pillar on...
This project aims at helping the aviation industry to maintain social distancing for passengers and staff after the lockdown The airlines industry has been severely impacted by the pandemic. With safety/ security guidelines and...
As countries, including India, reel under the Coronavirus pandemic, several women scientists are powering through with their uncompromising attitude to help rebuild the nation and the world The Indian mythology and folklore are replete...
It is important to ensure that every country in the world has the resources and the capacity to identify diseases, treat them and send the communication across to prevent its spread The time before...
Having worked for causes like gender sensitivity, children and women welfare and human trafficking, I am an activist committed to spreading awareness on the significance of mental health COVID-19, what havoc the deadly virus...
COVID-19 has exposed the weaknesses in the existing public health communication systems even in the most powerful and advanced countries of the world and highlighted the urgent need to restructure and reform The Coronavirus...
Although WHO states that people of all ages can be infected by New Corona Virus (2019-nCOV), a certain section of the population is more vulnerable. It includes: 1. People 65 years and older 2....